
Domestic Work Observatory

Statistical Observatory

The DOMINA Observatory on Domestic Work is a European study and data collection center to monitor and study the activities, phenomena and trends in the sector at national and local level. It was established in 2019 by DOMINA, the National Association of Domestic Employers Families (Signatory of the national collective bargaining agreement), which protects families in the management of professional relationships with workers. The Association has decided in recent years to give value to its information assets by creating a statistical observatory to monitor the employment structure, the weight of workers’ wages on family budgets, the impact of the sector on GDP, regional differences, comparison with national and European data and policies and transversal aspects related to domestic work.

The Observatory project was therefore born to map the evolution of the sector in order to dynamically contribute to the evaluation of the social, economic and regulatory transformations of domestic work and to the design of fiscal and welfare policies that can protect and support the employer family domestic in the task of care.

The first publications of the Observatory focused on the Italian scenario, to these, from 2022, was added the analysis of domestic work in EU Member States with the production of thematic dossiers and 27 national factsheets based on Eurostat data. All the publications are free for anyone to download and use with attribution to the source.


The Observatory offers a unique service, which is used for sociological, journalistic and historical studies and research. In particular, the aim is to transfer research knowledge to the planning of long-term policies and awareness-raising strategies through information, training, monitoring and research activities.


DOMINA is the Italian National Association of Families as Employers of Domestic Workers. The Association is signatory of the national collective agreement on domestic work, it is an authoritative and specialised representative with the main italian governmental parts and it’s member of EFSI, the European Federation for Services to Individuals.

Italian web site:

Scientific Partner: Fondazione Leone Moressa

The Leone Moressa Foundation is a study and research institute born in 2002 from an initiative of the Artisans and Small Enterprises Association of Mestre (Cgia Mestre), with the aim of carrying out research activities aimed at studying phenomenologies and problems relating to the presence foreign in the national territory. It collaborates on a regular basis with national and local institutions such as the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the International Organization for Migration IOM, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). At the academic level, he collaborates with the Ca ‘Foscari University of Venice, with the University of Padua and with the State University of Milan. He also collaborates with numerous newspapers and economic inserts. Since 2011 it has published the Annual Report on the economy of immigration (ed. Il Mulino).



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Fifth are a membership-based global organization of domestic and household workers.  A domestic or household worker is any person engaged in domestic work within an employment relationship.  We believe domestic work is work and all domestic and household workers deserve to enjoy the same rights as all other workers. 



The European Federation for Services to Individuals (EFSI) is the representative body for federations and companies that are involved in the development of personal services in Europe. Its role is to represent the industry and promote the development of this sector throughout Europe.
